Thursday 21 March 2013

Prisoners to get varsity-level courses.

      Prisoners. When this word comes across the people mind, they will start to be stereotype. Yeah. So do I. But, people should realize that the prisoners also a human although they have committed a crime. Based on the excerpt from New Strait Times, I would love to share my opinion.

      For me, ex-prisoners should be given an opportunity for them to survive in a normal life. Some of people might afraid to be closed to the ex-prisoners, but, they should aware that people can change. Plus, I do agree with the Prisons Department that are implementing several measures to enhance the skills and educational level of prisoners with the aim to increase their competency after serving their sentence. Everybody has their own right to get a better life although we are worst from the others. This is because, for me, I believe that not all people can perform better in their life. The same thing goes to the ex-prisoners. They might choose the wrong step in the past, but there is nothing wrong for us to help them to be a better human.

      Ex-prisoners are also eligible to get high education in study field. For example, the Open University Malaysia has offered 10 scholarships in various fields for prisoners. Besides, by giving such of chances, it also can bring positive impact to the country.

      What I’m afraid is, if when the ex-prisoners do not given any chance to change their life, they might end up with the same things again. Not only that, they might feel useless if no one does not care about them anymore. The community should unite in order to help the ex-prisoners to make up their life to be good than before.

      Bear in mind people, that we cannot judge the other people from their past mistakes :). I do the mistake, people do the mistake. All of us do the mistake. =D

xoxo, NZ

baby-for-sale racket ..

"IF MONEY were the only criterion by which a child's welfare can be gauged, then a baby bought for as much as RM40,000 on the black market would seem set for life. For money-rich but child-poor couples, it is a small price to pay to introduce a small life into their home. The cot is gilded, the blanket monogrammed, the college fund filled to the brim. All that's wanting is a bun in the oven. And where there is a baby-for-sale racket, money can indeed buy happiness.And after all, why not? (NST, 7 FEB 2010)

      Baby is a gift from God to the married couple. But, not all married couple would have this golden opportunity in term to have baby although they have through so many ways. Based on the statement above, I would like to share my point of view about the baby-for-sale racket. I do agree that baby is not for sale especially on the black market. But, sometimes, this activity can be the chances for the baby to have a better life. Lets us think together, what happen if the baby was thrown into the rubbish instead of being sold to the married couple? The baby might be eaten by the dog astray or others wild animal.

      If the baby are been sold to the married couple, the baby’s life will be more secure. This is because, the baby are with the right person. The people that buy the baby are type of people that need baby in their life and for sure, people who adopt or buy the baby are almost always love children.  So, they will protect and preserve the baby carefully and will love the baby likes their own child.

      Besides, the baby also will grow up well. The baby will get the perfect education and living in the good situation. Let’s take this for example. The baby’s family might sell their children for a several reasons, such as they are on the edge of poverty. So, they don’t have enough money to raise their children well.

      The others my point of view about this situation is selling baby can avoid child abuse. What I mean here is, sometimes, not all parents want to have any obligations especially the young age marriage. So the chances for them to not to care the baby wisely are high. They might flagellate and throw the baby away.

“Babies are soft. Anyone looking at them can see the tender, fragile skin and know it for the rose-leaf softness that invites a finger's touch. But when you live with them and love them, you feel the softness going inward, the round-cheeked flesh wobbly as custard, the boneless splay of the tiny hands. Their joints are melted rubber, and even when you kiss them hard, in the passion of loving their existence, your lips sink down and seem never to find bone. Holding them against you, they melt and mold, as though they might at any moment flow back into your body - Diana Gabaldon

xoxo, NZ

my expectation and hope for this subject > CRITICAL LITERACY<

Critical Literacy..

      When the first time I heard about this subject, nothing much comes across in my mind except anxiety. I just think whether I can be a critical thinker or not, because I am the type of people that does not like to think something out of the box :) But, after the first assignment which is critical review based on short article, I find out that, this subject are very fun and it make me become more open minded person. For me, critical literacy are very important since it can make up the students mind in term to think and look something deeply and critically.

      My expectation for this subject, I hope that I can do my best for this subject since it does not have any final exam. I do hope that I can grab the full opportunity in complete the assignment because it can make me easy to score for this subject. I also hope that, after this I can be more critical in life so I will not take something easy anymore. Last word from me, critical literacy is something that beyond from our perspective.

xoxo, NZ

Thursday 14 February 2013


Sometimes, eye can cheat us. We have to use brain for us, to manipulate what we see. When I watch video from National Geographic (Test Your Brain 2of3, Perception ) , it brings a big changes toward my perception. I bet, after you watch the video, you will know how big different that you can see when you look something with your eye without using your brain and using your brain. At the first time I watch the video, I feel like I be cheated by that. But, after I look it carefully, I smile, because it is exactly true. Here are some picture for you to look out.

See this picture. How do you view this picture? See the colour, and are the colour are same or not?? #be critical :*

If you say the colour is different, you are TOTALLY WRONG ! Look back, the colour of the boxes is same. To prove it, put you finger in the middle (between the box). SEE! the colour is just the same! :p
Like this -->

SEE! hahaha, surprise!
VISUAL CORTEX are very needed when we watching this video.

xoxo, NZ


Women nowadays has their own career and work field. Most of them, are still working although they are pregnant. But. is it fine for them to still working, especially for those who are working in industrial field? What should they do, when they are discover that they are pregnant? Do they should quit the job or not? Or is there any regulation from the employer to protect the pregnant employee from any hazards in the work place? Here are a few tips for them, who are pregnant that working in an industrial work placement..
  • Let the employer knows that you are pregnant so you will not exposed to anything that might effect your health.
  • Make legislation applying such as The Pregnancy Regulation.
  • Avoid dealing with chemical especially at the earlier pregnant because at the earliest stages of pregnancy is the are the most critical ones for the developing child.
  • Some chemical can cause miscarriage, slow down the growth of the baby and it also can cause the birth defect.
  • Don't forget that chemical also an be absorb through the air you breath.
  • Avoid from being exposed extremely of cold and heat temperature because when you extremely exposed with the high temperature, you might easily stress and faint.
  • When the risk can not be avoid or removed, you should take Health and Safety Leave.

xoxo, NZ

Friday 18 January 2013

oh hi everyone, especially to my beloved and beautiful lecturer, Madam Zariati :) .
.. For me, it is not too late for me to make a hope for this new years and semester :) This sem, I got my new class and classmate :) yup, I hope that I will be more independent to compare with the last sem.. TRAVEL ON .. ya! all of us are traveller and In shaa Allah, we can be a good, beautiful and handsome traveller! :3
I hope, my way for this sem will be more better than before..No more "TOMORROW PERSON "..  Actually, I am not a type of person that love to blogging.. That is why, my first entry looks so clumsy :p
Enjoy reading this short entry from me, NOFA , :)
*nothing interesting, right?lol

xoxo, NZ